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K-9 Zaki

K-9 Deputy Zaki

Retired from Deputy in 2022

Zaki is a Belgian Malinois and was born September 2015 in Holland. He began his training in the Czech Republic before he was imported to K9 Working Dogs International in Longford, Kansas. He is trained in narcotics detection, tracking and apprehension.

Zaki was a great addition to the Livingston County Sheriff's Office where he had made an impact in North Missouri through assisting area agencies with drug detection, tracking and apprehension. Zaki was a sworn deputy sheriff with our office.

Zaki was purchased with 100% donations from our citizens and businesses with no tax money used for the purchase.


Deputy Zaki retired from the LCSO in 2022 while being cared for and utilized by former Deputy Nicholas Leadbetter.  Zaki  and Deputy Leadbetter earned an amazing reputation with law enforcement in North Missouri as invaluable and reliable allies in enforcing the laws of the State of Missouri.

Currently, we have no plans on implementing a new K-9 program but may look to in the future.


Sheriff Dustin Woelfle