Bailiff & Court Security
Livingston County is in the 43rd Judicial Circuit which consists of Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, Dekalb, and Livingston Counties. We have 3 Circuit Judges, being Ryan Horsman who serves as the Presiding Judge of the 43rd Circuit, R. Brent Elliott who is also a Circuit Judge and Michael Leamer who is Livingston County Associate Circuit Judge.
In Livingston County we have the Associate Court room on the second floor of the Livingston County Courthouse and typically this is where traffic offense Court, arraignments, preliminary hearings, certain motions, small claims Court, protection order and ex-parte hearings, probate matters, Municipal Court, and minor civil claims are heard.
Circuit Court is normally held on the 3rd floor of the Livingston County Courthouse. It is the largest courtroom in the building. All jury trials take place on the 3rd floor. Most all felony cases, divorces, and larger civil suits are decided in Circuit Court. On rare occasion if a Grand Jury or Coroner's Inquest is called these normally take place in the Circuit Courtroom.
The sheriff's office is required to provide Court Security frequently referred to as a "Bailiff", which is either the sheriff or sworn deputy sheriff. Each officer attends specific training on maintaining Courtroom security and knows the specifics required of each judge for their respective law days or jury trials.
The Bailiff has the power of arrest for any criminal violation or per any Judge's order. The Bailiff is there for the protection of the Judge and everyone else in the Courtroom. On jury trials and certain law days we often have multiple officers in the Courtroom or Courthouse.
Local Court Rule mandates the Livingston County Sheriff's Office operate the metal detector and enhance security each day the Courthouse is open. People wishing to access the courts and courthouse are not permitted to carry any type of weapon including pocket knives and must agree to be checked for weapons and permit the inspection of any items or possessions. Cell phones and smart watches are strictly prohibited from the courtrooms. Young children are not permitted in the court rooms unless summoned or authorized to appear by the court or for special events such as adoptions.
Proper attire is required to enter the court which means no shorts, shirts with graphic writing, hats or head covering is permitted. Recording devices and cameras are not permitted without prior approval from the Judge. Men shall have their shirts properly tucked in and be presentable. We are often required to ask people to wear proper attire or exclude them from the courtroom.
Anyone who refuses to comply with the bailiff or deputy, court rules, is disorderly or disrespectful in the Courtroom, may be held in contempt of Court by the Judge. A Contempt of Court detention may be up to 6 months in custody without a Court hearing. Fortunately very few people try to push the issue while Court is in session.
It is not unusual for our office to transport 20 or more detainees to Court in one day. We sometimes see 100 or more people in the Circuit Court for hearings. We do not permit visitation or contact with detainees in the Courtrooms. Please understand you are welcome to approach our staff to ask a question, but our mandated priority is the safety of the Judge and overall Courtroom security while also guarding detainees.
Our deputies are there for your protection. Significant events have happened elsewhere during Court hearings and our goal is to see they do not happen here. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
We simply ask that everyone adhere to the rules and follow the instructions of our bailiffs, deputy, or Circuit Court Marshall.